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Fusion 2

LBL and INS software

Engineered for: AUV, ROV, Seabed, Structure, Vessel

Fusion 2 is our most powerful, most configurable and most efficient navigation and positioning software ever. One system from which you can control all of your subsea Long BaseLine (LBL), Sparse LBL and SPRINT Inertial Navigation System (INS) projects.

At a glance

Our fastest, most capable survey and construction software system yet

A single solution for your LBL and aided SPRINT INS projects

Less vessel hardware and less interfaces

Intuitive and customisable user interface; less training needed

Supports real-time SLAM calibration of sparse LBL arrays

Optimised for new 6G+ and Wideband 3

Our fastest, most capable survey software yet

Want to know more?

Combined LBL transponder and AHRS - Gyro Compatt 6+

Trusted, field proven subsea LBL technology

6G+ instruments use the new Wideband 3 signal technology

Fusion 2 allows you to control all of your subsea LBL, Sparse LBL and SPRINT INS assets

Supports USV and remote data harvesting

Why Fusion 2 is perfect for your operations

Do more with less

Fusion 2 allows you to control all of your subsea LBL, Sparse LBL and SPRINT INS projects so you need less hardware mobilised offshore.

Built for 6G+

Our latest 6G+ instruments use the new Wideband 3 signal technology, which is key to unlocking the benefits of Fusion 2.

Faster operations

Fusion 2 LBL allows users to run calibrations in real time. This means less time spent calibrating and more time collecting the right data, first time.


With Fusion 2, gone is the need to operate two independent software and hardware systems to control your 6G LBL and SPRINT INS. Fusion 2 does it all in a single interface, designed from the ground up with intuitive workflows so there’s less to learn. It also means reduced set-up time, reduced interfacing and reduced onboard hardware.

For the first time Fusion 2 enables seabed transponders to be SLAM calibrated in real-time for easier and faster Sparse LBL operations. The UI can be customised using docks, and includes light and dark themes. And by embedding sensor data with high update navigation ranging data, there’s no more interruptions to positioning updates at critical moments.

With Fusion 2, you’ll begin to see the benefits even before your project teams head offshore. Acoustic and INS projects can be configured and checked in the office prior to vessel mobilisation – saving you time, streamlining procedures and helping you to further de-risk operations.

For those who want to tailor their operations, you can quickly do multiple computations, compare different set-ups, and pick the one you want. Sparse LBL might suit one operation more than LBL and vice versa. Now it’s easy to check, on-site, which works best for you.

To further increase operational efficiency, we have developed a new digital signal processing protocol, Wideband 3, that you’ll find inside the latest evolution of our trusted 6G platforms, Compatt 6+ and ROVNav 6+. The good news is that this functionality is available to existing Compatt 6 and ROVNav 6 users, with a firmware upgrade.

Wideband 3 delivers a major step-up in your positioning update rates; 1Hz LBL tracking of structures as they are lowered and moved in the water column.

Wideband 3 allows you to get sensor data at the same time as navigation ranging data, which means operators can get real-time positions and sensor data. By combining ranging and telemetry data, Wideband 3 will accelerate update rates by a factor of 10, eliminating issues operators face with latency.

Fusion 2 also supports use of our SPRINT 300 for LBL INS, giving you lower start-up costs for practical, reliable LBL INS.

Why invest


  • Optimised for 6G+ and Wideband 3

  • Combined acoustic LBL and INS navigation

  • Intelligent troubleshooting inbuilt

  • Reduced hardware requirements

Subsea hardware options

  • INS/DVL hybrid navigation SPRINT-Nav

  • High precision Compatt 6+

  • High power, long-range ROVNav 6+ transceiver

  • Combined LBL transponder and Lodestar AHRS Gyro Compatt 6+


  • Work side-by-side with our Projects Group from concept to deployment

  • Systems are manufactured and tested before delivery at our world-class in-house facilities

  • Work with our experienced team about our USV data harvesting service

  • 24-hour support, whenever and wherever you are in the world

Compatible 3rd party software

  • 24-hour support, whenever and wherever you are in the world


Feature Specification
Design The most powerful INS and LBL system on the market
Seamlessly combines INS and LBL positioning techniques
Incorporates 50 years of subsea navigation innovation and know-how
Positioning for all phases of construction survey
Full range of real-time array calibration options: SLAM, Baseline and Box-In
Comprehensive EPSG geodesy database
Calibration and positioning calculations in scale-free reference frame
Performance Better than 4 times precision improvement over USBL with SPRINT INS
Up to 3 cm Range-aided positioning accuracy with SPRINT INS
Up to 3 cm LBL positioning accuracy
Simultaneous LBL tracking of ROVs and structures with heading computation at up to 1 Hz
Acoustics Sonardyne Wideband 3 digital acoustics for reliable performance in all environments
Support for Multiuser Compatt 6+
Embedded Wideband 3 sensor data retrieval from Compatt 6+ for seamless tracking and faster calibration

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Our fastest, most capable survey software yet