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One of the most powerful features of Origin ADCPs is their compatibility with the Sonardyne Edge computing environment.

What is the meaning of Edge computing?

Edge computing refers to data processing close to where the data is generated. In the case of Origin, that means data processing on the device.

What is the purpose and benefit of Edge for the Origin ADCPs?

Edge lets you run data processing applications on Origin that are customised to your needs. This means that while the device is deployed, it will produce the information you are most interested in, rather than bulky raw data that would normally be processed once the device is recovered from the water. You can harvest this data as a file or as a live stream, either through a cabled connection, or Origin’s integrated acoustic modem.

The data processing applications, or ‘apps’, are installed on Origin in the same way you’d install an app on your smartphone. This makes it really easy to change the information produced by the ADCP depending on your application, meaning you can get the right answer, faster.

Even better, you can install a new app on an uncabled device that’s already deployed – with Origin, you can install apps using the integrated acoustic modem – saving time, cost and risk of a device recovery and redeployment.

Some of the apps developed by Sonardyne are already available and include simple background currents, quality metrics, turbulence, and waves, with more on the way. And just for fun, we also have an app called ‘Aidy’ – our Origin chatbot!

For those computer programmers out there, there is also an Edge Software Development Kit (SDK) available for writing your own Edge apps.

To find out more about Edge computing, the SDK and the apps being made available by Sonardyne, check out videos on our YouTube channel.


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