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What should I use instead of an ORT and DORT?

30 June 2021

ORT and DORT? No, not Lord of The Rings characters, rather Oceanographic Release Transponders and their siblings Deep Oceanographic Release Transponders. ORT and DORT were the mainstay of Sonardyne’s deep water release offering for many years, but what have they been upgraded to?

ORT and DORT have been replaced by the below members of the RT6 family.

RT 6-3000 and RT 6-6000 have been designed as like for like replacements of the ORT and DORT respectively but with improved battery life and endurance, plus they have comparable working limit loads and you can operate them from our iWAND release kit or from any Ranger 2 software.

Do you want to know more about our RT6 family, our Head of Science Geraint West introduces them on YouTube:

ORT/DORT RT 6-3000


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