Support Centre

How do I perform a SLAM calibration in Fusion 2?

What is SLAM Calibration in Fusion 2?

SLAM stands for Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping and is a process of positioning yourself in what is initially, an unknown environment, or in our case positioning a Compatt transponder in an unknown environment.

SLAM in Fusion 2, uses a SPRINT-Nav to record the ROV position changes, and acoustic ranges from a ROVNav 6+ transceiver are used to locate the Compatt as the ROV moves around the environment.

Clear and concise diagnostic information displayed during the data collection, along with real-time processing, show you when you have enough confidence in your position to meet specification.

The SPRINT-Nav can be aided using a variety of sources, depending on the task at hand, these include LBL & USBL.

For a run through of the Fusion 2 SLAM setup and collection process, please watch this video.


Contact [email protected] for more information.

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